Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Drawn Together

This year we promised ourselves to get our act together and commence work on our dream of hosting art workshops.

Our mission is to provide an environment where little and big people can not only dabble in a bit of art & craft but also take a personal journey. We create a platform for self expression through the use of collage, mixed-media, painting, drawing and ceramics.

At the beginning of February our art workshops 'Drawn Together' began. Horray!!
To date we've had two groups of delightful 5 year old girls....little hands busy making ladybird collages and bejeweled ceramic love hearts....indulging in glitter can only be a good thing right?

The classes are slowly developing and we wish to incorporate personal art journals & introduce guest illustrators and artists.
We strongly believe that through artistic journeys in creativity and imagination individuals develop confidence and discover the real art of becoming themselves.
image from here

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